Sales Script Examples

Blog posts that provide tips for creating a great sales script

11 07, 2023

How to Create a Financial Advisor Sales Script

By |2024-07-22T06:09:41+00:00July 11, 2023|Cold Call Script, Sales Script Examples, Sales Scripts|Comments Off on How to Create a Financial Advisor Sales Script

In this video, we discuss how to create a financial advisor sales script. For this, we go through our sales message brainstorming process that helps us to identify to most optimum things to say. We went through this process with a customer that is a financial advisor and we certainly might not have gotten it [...]

20 06, 2023

Crafting an Effective Credit Card Processing Sales Pitch

By |2024-07-22T07:33:56+00:00June 20, 2023|Cold Call Script, Sales Script Examples, Sales Scripts|Comments Off on Crafting an Effective Credit Card Processing Sales Pitch

In this video, we discuss how to create a credit card processing sales pitch. The content for this video comes from another video that we created with a cold call example from a salesperson that sells merchant services. We took that salesperson’s sales pitch and improved it by going through our brainstorming process and we [...]

24 04, 2023

How to Create a Sales Script for SEO Services

By |2024-07-22T07:37:35+00:00April 24, 2023|Sales Script Examples, Sales Scripts|Comments Off on How to Create a Sales Script for SEO Services

In this video, we talk about how to create a sales script for SEO services. And in order to create this sales script, we first go through our sales message brainstorming process to create a sales message for SEO services.   Product The first step in our process is to brainstorm what is included with [...]

23 01, 2023

A Cold Call Example for Merchant Services

By |2024-07-22T08:15:43+00:00January 23, 2023|Cold Calling, Cold Calling Examples, Sales Script Examples|Comments Off on A Cold Call Example for Merchant Services

In this video, we provide a recording of cold calling for merchant services. I think the salesperson does many things really well, and maybe just one area where I might tweak his cold call script.   He Sounded Really Good Overall, I think the salesperson in this recording of cold calling for merchant services sounded [...]

19 01, 2023

How to Create a Sales Script for Selling Residential Real Estate

By |2024-07-22T08:18:28+00:00January 19, 2023|Sales Script Examples, Sales Scripts|Comments Off on How to Create a Sales Script for Selling Residential Real Estate

In this video, we discuss how to create a sales script for selling residential real estate. I created this while working with a client who is a residential real estate agent, and this is a sales script for talking with home sellers and trying to get them to list their homes with this agent.   [...]

11 01, 2023

How to Create an Office Supplies Sales Script

By |2024-07-22T08:20:22+00:00January 11, 2023|Sales Script Examples, Sales Scripts|Comments Off on How to Create an Office Supplies Sales Script

In this video, we discuss how to create an office supplies sales script. And just a quick disclaimer that I have never sold office supplies, and I don’t know if this is a great script or not. The reason that I created this was because I created a video on using a “keep me in [...]

9 01, 2023

An Example of a Cold Call for Software Sales

By |2024-07-22T08:21:40+00:00January 9, 2023|Cold Call Script, Cold Calling, Cold Calling Examples, Sales Script Examples|Comments Off on An Example of a Cold Call for Software Sales

In this video, we provide a recording of a cold call for software sales. It is always good to reflect back on cold calls to see what we can learn from and there are two things to talk about from this cold call example.   Focus On the Value Your Product Delivers In this cold [...]

29 12, 2022

How to Create a Sales Script for IT Consulting

By |2024-07-22T08:23:56+00:00December 29, 2022|Cold Call Script, Sales Script Examples, Sales Scripts|Comments Off on How to Create a Sales Script for IT Consulting

In this video, we discuss how to create a sales script for IT consulting.   The Product - IT Consulting The first step in our process to create a sales script for IT consulting is to brainstorm key details about the product or service. For this, I like to brainstorm the features of the product, [...]

27 12, 2022

How to Sell a Franchise Business

By |2024-07-22T08:24:56+00:00December 27, 2022|Sales Pitch, Sales Script Examples, Sales Scripts|Comments Off on How to Sell a Franchise Business

In this video, we discuss how to sell a franchise business. And just a quick disclaimer that I have never sold franchises but have some thoughts after receiving a cold email from a salesperson on LinkedIn. Whenever I receive emails or calls from salespeople, I try to think about how their approach could have been [...]

18 12, 2022

Life Insurance Sales Script: Talking Value & Relieving Pain

By |2024-10-07T06:14:27+00:00December 18, 2022|Sales Pitch, Sales Script Examples, Sales Scripts|0 Comments

In this video, we discuss how to create a life insurance sales script.   Start with the product The first step is to brainstorm some of the main details about the product or policy in this case. Whole life / Life insurance Income Protection Funeral & Final Expenses Mortgage Protection Debt Protection Children’s Education Health [...]

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