Cold Emailing

4 09, 2024

Selling the Conversation When Cold Emailing

By |2024-09-04T06:20:04+00:00September 4, 2024|Cold Emailing|Comments Off on Selling the Conversation When Cold Emailing

Another main way to reach out to prospects in the initial contact sales process step is to send cold emails. In this video, we will explain how to use more of a conversation-based selling approach to your cold email messages.   Product Selling Cold Emails Before we talk about how to sell the conversation in [...]

14 05, 2024

How to Use Cold Emailing to Generate Leads

By |2024-07-22T05:18:13+00:00May 14, 2024|Cold Emailing|Comments Off on How to Use Cold Emailing to Generate Leads

In this video, we discuss how to use cold emailing to generate leads.   Prospects get sold to a lot To optimize your cold email strategy, we recommend you start by taking a step back to try to understand the prospect you are sending emails to. One of the most important things to understand and [...]

14 04, 2024

Don’t Say This In Cold Email Messages: 7 Things You Must Avoid

By |2024-07-22T05:22:55+00:00April 14, 2024|Cold Emailing|Comments Off on Don’t Say This In Cold Email Messages: 7 Things You Must Avoid

In this video, we discuss our don’t say this in cold email messages list. But, before we get to the list of what to not do in your B2B cold emails, we will outline a few key concepts that all of these tips are based on. With these concepts discussed and agreed to, the 8 [...]

6 01, 2023

The Keep Me In Mind Cold Email

By |2024-07-22T08:22:47+00:00January 6, 2023|Cold Emailing|Comments Off on The Keep Me In Mind Cold Email

In this video, we discuss the keep me in mind cold email. This is a cold email that you send to the prospect and you try to coach them to keep you in mind when they get around to purchasing what you sell.   Prospects Are Likely Not In Buying Mode This can be a [...]

6 11, 2022

Making Connections Effectively With LinkedIn Inmail Examples

By |2024-07-22T08:36:48+00:00November 6, 2022|Cold Emailing, Social Selling|0 Comments

In this video, we discuss a decent LinkedIn Inmail example. We analyze the message and then provide suggestions for how the salesperson could improve his message and approach by actually providing a new LinkedIn Inmail example for his product/service.   The Inmail He Sent Here is the text from the message that the salesperson sent: [...]

3 11, 2022

Building a Cold Email Campaign: Create Your Sales Message

By |2024-07-22T08:37:37+00:00November 3, 2022|Cold Emailing, Email Marketing, Lead Generation|Comments Off on Building a Cold Email Campaign: Create Your Sales Message

This video is the second video in our cold email prospecting workshop where we focus on building cold email campaigns.   Creating Your Sales Message In the first video of the cold email workshop, we went through a process to create the cold email messaging strategy. This was not to create the cold email messages, [...]

24 10, 2022

Create a Cold Email Messaging Strategy: Step by Step Guide

By |2024-07-22T09:21:58+00:00October 24, 2022|Cold Emailing, Email Marketing, Lead Generation, Sales Prospecting|Comments Off on Create a Cold Email Messaging Strategy: Step by Step Guide

This video is the first video in a 4-video cold email workshop series, and the first thing that we will focus on is creating your cold email messaging strategy. Not to be confused with creating your actual email messages, what we focus on first is creating the overall cold email messaging strategy, which includes all [...]

11 10, 2022

How to Follow Up On LinkedIn Messages: A Real-Time Example

By |2024-07-22T09:27:52+00:00October 11, 2022|Cold Emailing, Sales Prospecting, Social Selling|Comments Off on How to Follow Up On LinkedIn Messages: A Real-Time Example

In this video, we discuss how to follow up on LinkedIn messages. To explain some of the concepts that we recommend, we will use a real example of a series of emails that I received from a salesperson after accepting his invitation to connect. This LinkedIn email campaign is a great example to analyze because [...]

15 08, 2022

B2B Cold Email Example with Analysis and Lessons to Learn

By |2024-07-22T09:39:18+00:00August 15, 2022|Cold Emailing, Email Marketing, Sales Prospecting|Comments Off on B2B Cold Email Example with Analysis and Lessons to Learn

In this video, we review a B2B cold email example for accounting services. This is a really good example to analyze because the salesperson sends two follow-up emails, allowing us to look at how he follows back up when the prospect does not respond. And while there is definitely room for improvement, he also does [...]

6 12, 2020

Don’t Do the Instant Pitch on LinkedIn

By |2023-10-27T06:09:49+00:00December 6, 2020|Cold Emailing, Sales Prospecting|Comments Off on Don’t Do the Instant Pitch on LinkedIn

One of the biggest mistakes that I believe salespeople make when prospecting on LinkedIn is that they do what I call the “Instant Pitch.” This is where the salesperson sends an invite to connect and immediately after the contact accepts, the salesperson sends a product selling email. Here is an example of what this may [...]

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