How to Use Sales Scripter

12 11, 2019

Sending Emails Out of Sales Scripter

By |2024-07-25T02:31:59+00:00November 12, 2019|How to Use Sales Scripter, Setting Up Sales Scripter|Comments Off on Sending Emails Out of Sales Scripter

In this video, we discuss how to send emails out of SalesScripter. You have two options: Send Email The Send Email feature allows you to either send an email to one person or an email to a list of contacts. You can also send one email or a series of emails. If you send a [...]

1 11, 2019

Google Chrome Extension Demonstration

By |2024-07-25T02:33:57+00:00November 1, 2019|How to Use Sales Scripter, Setting Up Sales Scripter|0 Comments

We have completely revamped the Google Chrome extension. If you use Gmail or G-Suite for your inbox, you can download our Google Chrome Extension to connect your inbox with your SalesScripter account and you can download and set up the extension with literally one click by going here. Here is a summary of the features [...]

25 10, 2019

How to Use the Prospect Qualifier

By |2024-07-25T02:35:57+00:00October 25, 2019|How to Use Sales Scripter|Comments Off on How to Use the Prospect Qualifier

The CRM provides a feature called the Prospect Qualifier which is an area that displays all of the questions that you can ask in order to fully qualify the prospect. Not only does this feature display all of the different questions you should be asking, but there is also a place to enter notes and [...]

12 11, 2016

Guess a Prospect’s Email Address: Here’s How

By |2024-07-25T11:15:42+00:00November 12, 2016|Cold Calling, Cold Emailing, How to Use Sales Scripter, Inside Sales, Sales Tips|0 Comments

When you work in B2B sales, it can be common to know a prospect's name and the company they work for but not have their email address. If this is a situation that you find yourself in, don't worry, as there is a fairly simple process to figure out what their email address is, and [...]

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