Looking for a full-time or part-time sales position?
If you are, click here to create an account in our careers page to see and apply to job postings. Following that link will take you to a page where you will create a Job Seeker account profile.

This will provide you access to an area in our software platform where you can upload your resume and apply to open positions.

Click here to create your profile and apply to open jobs!

Our Careers Page is Different in Two Ways

There are two ways that our careers tool is different than any other company:

  1. You can apply for jobs posted by our customers: You will not only be able to apply for open jobs at SalesScripter, you can also view and apply for jobs that are posted by SalesScripter customers.
  2. You can promote yourself to Sales Scripter customers: You will be able to publish your profile in a labor pool area where SalesScripter customers can go when looking to hire additional sales resources.

Click here to create your profile and apply to open jobs!

Promote Yourself to Hundreds of Hiring Managers

There are thousands of businesses using Sales Scripter to improve their sales prospecting. Almost all of those businesses are either looking to add more salespeople to their team or are looking to improve or replace existing sales resources.

By getting your profile displayed and listed in our labor pool area, you will have the opportunity to get your name and info in front of a lot of people, making it a very easy and efficient way for you to put yourself out there.

Click here to create your profile and apply to open jobs!

You Can Become Very Attractive to Our Customers

One thing to start to understand about our system is that after you have worked in a sales role for one of our customers, you will become extremely more attractive to other Sales Scripter customers. The reason why is that once you have become familiar with the Sales Scripter software and methodology, it will be a lot easier for a company that uses Sales Scripter to onboard you and add you to their sales team.

Click here to create your profile and apply to open jobs!

The “Uber for Sales”

One way to look at our career page is that it is kind of like an “Uber for Sales.” Uber makes it really easy for people who need a ride to hire someone who is open to giving a ride in exchange for a fee.

We offer this same type of solution for sales in that we not only make it easy for hiring managers to find sales resources that are available for work, but we also provide a framework, common language, and methodology for all parties to operate within and this can simplify and shorten the onboarding and ramp-up process.

Click here to create your profile and apply to open jobs!

Recommended Steps

If you are looking for full-time or part-time sales work, follow these steps to get yourself into our system:

  1. Follow this link to create a free Job Seeker account
  2. Fill out your profile with your information and upload your resume
  3. Apply to any open positions
  4. Publish your profile into our labor pool to become visible to employers
  5. Watch our training videos to make yourself more valuable and attractive to hiring managers