
how to write a telesales script

15 07, 2016

How to Build Telemarketing Scripts that Generate Leads

By |2024-07-26T00:09:48+00:00July 15, 2016|Cold Call Script, Cold Calling, Inside Sales, Lead Generation, Sales Prospecting, Sales Script Examples, Sales Scripts, Sales Training, Telemarketing, Telesales|0 Comments

Here are some quick tips that you can use to build telemarketing scripts that generate results. 1. Focus on the right goal. When creating a telemarketing script, the first step is to structure it so that it focuses on the right goal. Yes, your ultimate goal is to sell your product or service. But that [...]

21 01, 2014

The Secrets to Training Telesales Successfully Revealed

By |2024-07-24T10:37:19+00:00January 21, 2014|Cold Call Script, Cold Calling, Sales Prospecting, Sales Training|0 Comments

With the continued growth of inside sales, the need for telesales resources is increasing along with it. Here are some quick keys to help with training telesales.   How to Build a Strong Inner Game One step that is often skipped in sales training is talking about the mental aspects and the inner game. The [...]

18 01, 2014

Create a Cold Call Script the Right Way: 5 Key Steps

By |2024-07-24T10:39:09+00:00January 18, 2014|Cold Call Script, Cold Calling, Sales Pitch, Sales Prospecting, Sales Scripts|0 Comments

Figuring out how to write a cold call script is a key step to take when trying to drive sales prospecting results. Cold calling is one of the most difficult things that a salesperson will need to do, and that can make writing a script for cold calling just as difficult. You can easily look [...]

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