Here are some quick tips for creating a good sales pitch email. But before discussing some things to do in your email sales pitch, let’s first discuss what not to do.


Try to Not Sound Like a Salesperson Who is Selling Something

When writing your sales pitch email, try to avoid sounding like a salesperson trying to sell something. This is important for a couple of reasons.

1. That is an “All About Me” Approach
It can be helpful in many areas of life to always remember that everybody has their own interests. When you are a salesperson sending a cold email to a prospect, one of your interests is to sell to them.

We don’t know the prospect’s interests, but it is safe to assume that their main interest when they receive your email will not be the same as yours and is not that they are looking to buy from you.

When you appear like a salesperson trying to sell something, you present yourself in more of an “all about me” way, centering more around your interests.

2. The Prospect is Likely not in Buying Mode
It is safe to assume that the prospect is not actively looking to purchase what you sell when they receive your sales pitch email. This is not to say that they do not need what you sell or might not purchase it regularly, but the odds are low that they are thinking about buying what you sell when they get your email.

The problem with this disconnect is that it can increase the odds of the prospect receiving your email and having to make an instant “Yes/No” decision since you appear to sell something. And since they are not actively buying what you sell, there are decent odds for a “No” decision regarding how to proceed with your email, whether they respond or not.


How to Not Sound Like a Salesperson

To figure out how to not sound like a salesperson, let’s start by looking at what we can often do that makes us look like a salesperson trying to sell something. One of the main ways this impression gets created is when we center what we say and our emails around our company, the products we sell, and what our products do.

If you agree, then one key way to avoid sounding like a salesperson is to minimize talking about your company and products. Instead, focus on the value that your products offer in terms of the improvements that you can help the prospect realize. You can also focus more on the problems that you can help resolve, minimize, or avoid.


Make it More About the Prospect

The great thing about focusing your sales pitch email more on the value you offer and problems you can help with is that you will be shifting from an “all about me” type of messaging and making your email more about the prospect.