A good sales spiel can often be the difference between failure and success. We want to give you some clear tips on how to create the best sales pitch possible.
Don’t Do These Two Things
Before discussing what you should do in your sales spiel, let’s talk about a couple of things to avoid.
Try to Not Sound Like a Salesperson who is Trying to Sell Something
One of the goals of your sales pitch should be to minimize how much guardedness you create on the sales prospect’s side. No one enjoys it when someone tries to talk them into something, and if your prospects get sold to a lot, you can improve your results by presenting yourself more as a business person instead of a salesperson trying to sell something.
Try to Not Have an “All About Me” Approach
It can be common and understandable for salespeople to have a sales spiel “all about me.” This happens because a salesperson may talk a lot about their products and company.
This creates a conversation about the salesperson, and we feel like you can have a more robust sales pitch by being more focused on the prospect. To make this shift, minimize how much you talk about your products and company and focus more on the prospect by asking probing sales questions to learn more about them.
Focus More on the Value that You Offer
When talking to a sales prospect about our products, we often describe what the products or services do from a functional standpoint. To make your sales spiel more powerful, focus more on your products’ value or benefits.
Value is not what your products do; it is what your products help your customers do or what they help them improve.
Focus More on the Problems that You Help to Resolve, Minimize, or Avoid
People often make changes to avoid feeling some pain. To build more interest in your sales pitch, try to educate the prospect on the problems and pain points you can help them resolve, minimize, or avoid.
Ask Good Probing Sales Questions
The best salesperson is the one that asks the best questions. A good sales pitch should center around good probing sales questions.
You may agree with that, but you may still be unclear on what questions to ask. One way to get ideas for good probing sales questions is to look at the problems you help with. For each problem, there are probably one or two questions you could ask to see if the prospect is concerned.
Talk About Your Products in the Best Way
When you get to a place in your sales pitch where you can talk about your products and company, try to use points that communicate most powerfully. For example, in addition to explaining what your products do in your sales spiel, you can also talk about ROI, customer examples, differentiation, the impacts of doing nothing, and more.