You can greatly improve your sales results by using a cold call template as a guide when making sales calls. A lot of people go back and forth about whether to use a sales script or not. The reality is that using some sort of outline will greatly improve how you sound and improve your effectiveness when speaking with prospects.


What is a Cold Call Template?

A cold call template is a structure or outline that is used for building your script as well as identifying what you need to say when cold calling. The template could include several different sections that break down the varying parts of an ideal cold call.

Then, insert your key points and questions into each section once you have a template. The template can remain the same, and what is said in each section of the template can easily be changed and adjusted from call to call, which is a great thing about using a cold call template.


Potential Cold Call Template Sections

A template will have structure and typically is divided into sections, which is the key difference from just a plain document. The following are sections that you can include in your cold call template:

Introduction: Every cold call begins with an introduction, and there are two different types of introductions that are needed. There will need to be an introduction for talking with gatekeepers and then a different introduction when speaking with target prospects.

Value Statement: At the beginning of a cold call, you’ll need to tell the prospect what you’re calling about and try to grab their attention and initial interest. By delivering some sort of value statement, you can accomplish that.

Qualifying Questions: Your time is extremely valuable, so you need to be effective at determining which prospects to spend your valuable time speaking with. Asking qualifying questions is a way that helps with that, and that’s a section that can be at the center of your cold call template.

Common Pain Points: By finding the prospect’s pain, you greatly improve your cold calling and lead generation. Sharing some common pain points that other prospects and clients have experienced is a great way to help with uncovering pain.

Building Interest Points: You will need to build some level of interest on the prospect’s side to keep the conversation going outside of the cold call. Building interest can be challenging as well as time-consuming. One thing that we can do minimally is build powerful points which help build interest.

Closing: Some type of close attempt should be included in every conversation with a prospect. In some situations, you’re attempting to close the sale, but in others, you might be closing the prospect on meeting again another day. There can be a place in the cold call template that identifies the primary goal and closing language regardless of what the close is.

SalesScripter provides a sales script tool that helps sales pros to build a cold call template.