In this video, we provide an example of a software sales cold call with a salesperson who appears to sell some type of CRM platform. After the recording of the cold call, we provide three main takeaways and lessons that we can learn from the cold call example.
Product Selling Sales Pitch
In a lot of our videos, we talk about how most salespeople use a product selling sales pitch, and this example of a software sales cold call is a good example of what that looks like. The salesperson opens the call by describing the product she sells, saying this:
We recently developed a product here, it’s called [Product Name].
What it does is that it does is that it combines all the features that you need in a single platform.CRM
Website building
InvoicingAnd so many other features.
She then tries to close the prospect on seeing a demo of the product, which is what a product salesperson would do.
One thing this salesperson could do in this example of a software sales cold call to be less of a product pusher is to use a value prop cold call opener. is to use a value prop cold call opener, and here is what that might look like:
The reason for the call is that we help businesses to:
Improve how they manage leads
Increase the amount of leads they generate
Improve their close rate
Increase sales revenue from new prospects
This does not necessarily explain what the salesperson sells, and that is okay. It provides the general area that she has something to talk about and decreases the extent to which she looks like a salesperson trying to sell something.
Improve the Sales Process
The next thing we can take away from this example of a software sales cold call is the sales process the salesperson is trying to take the prospect through. While the salesperson is selling the product, she is not necessarily trying to close for the purchase of the product. What she is closing for is a meeting where someone on her side can demonstrate the product that she has to sell.
This is not optimum for a couple of reasons. First, it is likely the prospect is not in buying mode for the product. With that, this makes it much more difficult to close the prospect to show them a product they are not actively looking for. Another reason this is not great is that the next step in the sales process should be simply talking more in the form of an appointment or meeting. If she changed what she is trying to close from the demo to a meeting to talk more, she would immediately improve her close rate.
Find a reason to talk more
We are not saying that it is easy to close the prospect on talking more, but it is easier than closing the prospect on seeing or buying the product. And there are some small things we can do to improve our ability to close the prospect on talking more.
For example, in this example of a software sales cold call, if we want the prospect to agree to talk more, we need to find a reason for them to talk more. The best way to find a reason to talk more is to ask good questions. Asking good questions will help the salesperson either identify reasons why the prospect would benefit from the product or possibly identify reasons why it does not make sense to talk more.
We hope this example of a software sales cold call provides you with new ideas for how to improve your sales efforts!