One easy way to take your cold calling script to the next level is to incorporate name drops. There are two different types of name drops, and we will break them down for you in this post.


Internal Name Drop

An internal name drop is mentioning the name of an individual internal to the organization that you are calling. Here are some examples:

Used with a gatekeeper

I met with Mark Thomas last week in operations. I am trying to connect with someone that oversees finance. Can you point me in the right direction?

Used with a prospect

Hi Mary. I met with Mark Thomas last week in operations and he mentioned you were someone I should connect with.

Adding these name drops are very small changes to your cold call script, yet they can create very big improvements in your sales effectiveness. This will help to establish social proof and present you as more of an insider, already being engaged with the organization.

This can be a huge difference as if you don’t create this impression; you may seem like an outsider and one of those pesky salespeople, bothering them and trying to get into their account.


External Name Drop

You can also name-drop external clients in your cold calling script. Here is an example:

We worked with TigerTech and provided them with our sales scripting platform. This decreased the amount of time it took to train sales resources and improves sales revenue by 30%.

That is a pretty powerful message, don’t you think? Not only does that help to build interest and create curiosity, but it also helps to establish some credibility.

The great thing about this namedrop is that you can use it in a lot of different places in your cold calling script.

Cold Call Intro
You can start out your call with your name drop and use it as your attention-grabbing statement.

The purpose of my call is we worked with TigerTech and provided them with our sales scripting platform. This decreased the amount of time it took to train sales resources and improves sales revenue by 30%.

I am not sure if you are looking for some of those same type of improvements and that is why I am reaching out.

Voicemail Script
Your name drop also makes a great voicemail message.

The reason why I am reaching out to you is that we worked with we worked with TigerTech and provided them with our sales scripting platform. This decreased the amount of time it took to train sales resources and improves sales revenue by 30%.

Pre-Call Email
You can include a name drop in your email to the prospect as you try to establish a reason for talking to them.

I am reaching out to you because we worked with TigerTech and provided them with our sales scripting platform. This decreased the amount of time it took to train sales resources and improves sales revenue by 30%.

SalesScripter helps you to build out your name drops and then plug them into your cold call script.