what is cold calling

29 05, 2016

What Is a Cold Call? A Comprehensive Guide For Salespeople

By |2024-07-27T23:14:46+00:00May 29, 2016|Cold Call Script, Cold Calling, Sales Prospecting|0 Comments

What is a cold call is a question worth answering because many salespeople can see this sales activity differently. Here is how we define a cold call.   Cold vs. Warm The first place to start when defining a cold call is by comparing warm calling to cold calling. Cold calling refers to calling a [...]

29 01, 2014

Cold Calling Techniques: 9 Easy Steps to Improve Results

By |2024-08-10T01:25:52+00:00January 29, 2014|Cold Call Script, Cold Calling, Inside Sales, Lead Generation, Sales Coaching, Sales Prospecting, Sales Tips, Telemarketing, Telesales|0 Comments

Here are 9 cold calling techniques that are easy to implement and can help you to immediately improve your results.   1. Focus on the right goal It is very easy for us salespeople to “always be closing.” But what are you trying to close when you are on a cold call? Don’t try to [...]

29 01, 2014

What is Cold Calling? An Essential Guide

By |2024-08-10T01:22:44+00:00January 29, 2014|Cold Call Script, Cold Calling, Sales Prospecting, Sales Scripts|0 Comments

There are actually some clear differences between what is cold calling and what is more warm calling.   Three Characteristics of Cold Calling There are three key factors that determine whether or not your sales call is a cold call. Those are outlined below, and really, all three need to be met for the call [...]

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