This video is the second video in our cold email prospecting workshop where we focus on building cold email campaigns.


Creating Your Sales Message

In the first video of the cold email workshop, we went through a process to create the cold email messaging strategy. This was not to create the cold email messages, but more so to create the complete message and story that we want to tell. Once we have that, we can then divide the message into smaller segments and use those to create individual cold email messages when building cold email campaigns.


Cold Email Tactics

The cold email messages that we create are built around a few key concepts and philosophies.

Be as brief as possible
While we want prospects to open, read, and reply to our emails, we first focus on decreasing how quickly they delete our cold emails. We can all agree that the longer the email, the quicker it will get deleted. And with that, we use the tactic of minimizing the word count to decrease how quickly the contact deletes the email.

Cold Email Tactics
The cold email messages that we create are built around a few key concepts and philosophies.

Cold Email Topics
If you create your overall cold email message and the complete story that you want to tell, you can then slice and dice that into small messages. Think of it as though the complete message is a book and then you want to divide the book into chapters and then send each chapter in an email to the prospects.

We actually used the SalesScripter software to create the first version of our cold email campaign and messages, and it provides this email thread:

  • Email 1 – Value: a message that focuses on the improvements you can deliver
  • Email 2 – Pain: a message that focuses on the pain points your product can decrease
  • Email 3 – Customer Example: a message that shares an example of a customer you helped
  • Email 4 – Pain Questions: a message that shares some questions you would like to ask
  • Email 5 – Product: a message that shares the product that you have to offer
  • Email 6 – Last Attempt: a message that reaches out one last time

We hope this help with Building a Cold Email Campaign!