Here are some tips for your email sales pitch.

Try to avoid sounding like a salesperson trying to sell something.
Your prospects are going to receive unsolicited emails from salespeople every day. As a result, in order to prevent your email from being instantly deleted, try to do what you can to avoid sounding like a salesperson trying to sell something.

If you are indeed a salesperson trying to sell something, you can adjust what you say to not come off so strong in this area. You can do what you need to do while presenting yourself more as a business person or consultant than a salesperson in your email sales pitch.

Don’t only focus on talking about your products and what you sell.
Many salespeople and business owners structure their email sales pitch in this structure:

I am with this company XYZ.
We sell Product X.
I would like to talk to you about your needs around where Product X helps.

This flow screams, “I am a salesperson trying to sell something.” If you agree with trying to change that tone, don’t use this structure and minimize directly talking about your product and what it does.

Focus more on the value that you offer.
Instead of talking about your product and what it does, talk about the benefits that your product delivers to your target buyer. This can help to answer the question of “what is in it for me?” for your prospect and can help you to communicate in a language that they will understand and be more interested in.

Outline the challenges that you help your clients to resolve, minimize, and avoid.
Another option for your email sales pitch other than focusing on the benefits that you offer is to focus on the challenges (pain points) that you help your clients to resolve, minimize, and avoid.

Most buyers are motivated to fix problems, and if there are challenges on their side that you can help with and you outline those in your email, you may be more likely to grab the prospect’s attention.

Don’t sell the product; sell the conversation.
A key thing to keep in mind when emailing sales prospects is that they are likely not in “buying mode” for the product that you sell. This is not to say that they don’t need it or won’t shift into buying mode at some point down the road.

If they are not in buying mode and you present yourself as trying to sell the product, you can reach a reaction or decision made on the prospect’s side of “We do not need this” or “I am not interested.” But if you shift your focus and goal more on selling a conversation, you decrease that quick reaction and objection.

Yes, you may sell a product or service. But your goal is simply to open the lines of communication and have a conversation. This can make your email sales pitch more invincible to sales objections of the prospect not being interested, not having budget, already using something today, etc.