In this video, we discuss the best sales tip and one that can fix about 90% of cold calls. Almost every cold call that I listen to can be fixed and instantly improved with this one sales tip. And that one sales tip is to focus more on selling the meeting than selling the product.
An Example of Selling the Product
An easy example of how this is the best sales tip is a salesperson who is focusing more on selling the product than a salesperson who sells web design services. When this salesperson talks to a prospect, they may ask if the prospect needs a new website. Or they may ask if the prospect needs to redo their existing website. While those might sound like good questions to ask for a salesperson who sells web design services, the problem with those questions is that they are aligned with selling the product.
Not the Next Step
One reason this change can be helpful is that the next step in the sales process is not a purchase—it is talking more in the form of a meeting or an appointment. With that, it is more logical to focus on selling the next step in the process than selling a step that will be arrived at later.
Prospects Are Likely Not In Buying Mode
It is safe to assume that prospects are not in buying mode for what you sell at the exact time that you reach them on a cold call. It is not to say that they do not need what you sell or that they can’t be persuaded to buy your product. But more so that the prospect is not sitting there thinking about buying your product at that exact time.
With that, when you are focused more on selling the product, you are more likely to have a mismatch between what you are trying to do and with what the prospect wants at that exact moment. When you shift more toward selling the meeting to talk more, you decrease this level of mismatch and increase the odds of being able to close.
Objections Become Invalid
One of the biggest reasons this is the best sales tip is when you are selling the product and the prospect is not in buying mode for what you sell, you are likely to face objections like these:
I am not interested.
We already use someone.
We are not making any changes right now.
We do not have budget right now.
Just send me your information.
The really great thing about shifting from selling the product and moving more toward selling the meeting is that these objections become invalid. If you are trying to sell the product and you face any of these objections, these are valid reasons to stop the conversation. But if you are selling the meeting and simply talking more, these objections are not valid reasons to stop talking.
If the prospect does not have budget or is already using someone today, those are valid reasons to not proceed further if you are trying to sell the product. But if you are trying to sell the prospect on talking more, the fact that these objections are actually not valid reasons to stop talking.