
effective sales pitch

6 04, 2016

Probing Sales Questions is What Makes a Perfect Sales Pitch

By |2023-11-29T09:52:15+00:00April 6, 2016|Cold Call Script, Cold Calling, Qualifying Prospects, Sales Methodology, Sales Pitch, Sales Prospecting, Sales Questions|0 Comments

One of the best ways to try to create the perfect sales pitch is to build your pitch around good probing sales questions. This aligns with a key belief that we hold that the best salesperson is the one who asks the best questions.   Bad Sales Pitches Don’t Have Good Questions Before we look [...]

5 04, 2016

Focus on Prospect Pain to Have a Good Sales Pitch

By |2023-11-29T09:50:16+00:00April 5, 2016|Building Interest, Finding Prospect Pain, Sales Methodology, Sales Pitch, Sales Prospecting, Sales Tips|0 Comments

One way to have a good sales pitch is to focus more on the prospect pain that you help to resolve or fix.   What is Pain Pain is basically what is not working well or could be working better for your prospect. While this could be something that is causing a disruption, it could [...]

4 04, 2016

Focus on Your Value to Create an Effective Sales Pitch

By |2023-11-29T09:47:55+00:00April 4, 2016|Building Interest, Cold Call Script, Communicating Value, Sales Methodology, Sales Pitch, Sales Prospecting, Sales Scripts, Sales Tips|0 Comments

It can sometimes seem unclear how to create an effective sales pitch. While you may never really know what is going to grab each individual prospect's attention and be effective at building interest, there are some rules that you can apply to what you say that helps you to communicate more clearly and be more [...]

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