Here is a structured process that you can go through to get good sales pitch ideas.


Step 1: List out Products and Features

The first step is to identify the product that you are trying to sell. You can take this one step further by listing some of the product’s main features.

Here is an example:

  • Product – Inventory Management Software
  • Features – Auto-Ordering, Management Dashboard, Predictive Scheduling

This may be a good place to point out that this is where an average salesperson may stop when it comes to developing their pitch. They identify the details of the product and go out and talk about the product to anyone who will listen.

Moving on to the next steps will separate you from the rest.


Step 2: Identify the Value the Product Delivers

Once you have listed your product and features, step 2 in developing sales pitch ideas is to identify the value the product and features offer. These points explain how the product helps your customers or what it helps them to do.

Here is a continuation of the same example.

Technical Value
We can look at the products and features and identify that they help to make the following technical improvements:

  • Decrease the amount of time spent ordering
  • Decrease errors in the orders
  • Minimize over and under-ordering

Business Value
If we make those technical improvements, we can then stop to think about what business value (improvements) we can deliver.

  • Decrease labor costs
  • Decrease inventory costs
  • Decrease cost of goods sold


Step 3: Identify the Pain that You Resolve or Avoid

The next step in getting sales pitch ideas is to identify the pain that we need to help resolve. You may be able to think of some pain points you help with off the top of your head. But here is a process to help you to think of more or to prevent yourself from missing one.

For each benefit you provide, there is most likely a corresponding pain point that is resolved, decreased, or avoided.

If we continue with the same example, we can look at those value points and come up with these pain points.

  • Takes a lot of time and manual effort to process orders
  • There are times when there are errors in the orders
  • It can be challenging to order the right amount
  • It can be challenging to decrease costs (labor, inventory, cost of goods sold)


Step 4: Develop Good Probing Sales Questions

The next step in the process is to develop good probing sales questions. Some of the questions that should be included in your pitch probe for the pain points that you help to resolve.

As a result, you can look at the pain points you came up with in step 3, and for each point, you should be able to think of one or two questions to ask as part of your sales pitch ideas.