It can be one of the first steps that a sales manager can take in getting to the next level, identifying just exactly what is a sales playbook. We’ll discuss just what a sales playbook is as well as some benefits of using one in this article.


What is it?

Thinking about a playbook for a football team is the simplest way to think about what a sales playbook is. You might be able to picture a playbook being a binder full of different plays, even if you don’t know much about football. Each individual play tells the players of the team what should be done in different situations.

You can give a playbook to each member of a sales team, which is like giving a binder of plays to individual players of a football team. A set of steps, directions, and materials that the salesperson can use in different situations they find themselves in is a playbook.


Why use a playbook?

Knowing why to use a playbook is part of knowing what it is. Going back to the football example, the goal is winning the game. The team must perform at an optimum level if it wants to win.

They have the option of “winging it” as well as relying on their instinct and natural ability and seeing where things go when it is game time. Also, they can have more of a structured approach, including preparation ahead of time as well as a plan of what to do. It’s easy to agree that the second approach mentioned leads to better results as well as better attainment of the ultimate goal.

Similar principles apply to sales, in which the goal is to win, which involves closing the deal as well as beating out the competition. Just like we mentioned a football team can use an approach with little preparation, it’s one of the most common approaches that salespeople use because they’ll usually go through standard training and then initially improvise when speaking with prospects.


Why are playbooks not being used?

Didn’t you think that a football team not using a playbook sounds like a ridiculous idea? When we can agree with that, then why is it that most salespeople aren’t using a playbook and/or show no concern with what is a sales playbook?

Three factors exist that prevent sales managers from developing a playbook:

  • Do not need: It is believed by some sales managers that it’s the only natural sales ability that’s needed that leads to success. They hire a natural salesperson per their beliefs and give them product training, a territory, as well as a quota, and in turn, expect results.
  • Do not have time: It takes a level of effort and time to build a sales playbook, and some managers choose not to make that investment.
  • Do not know where to begin: Sales managers simply don’t know where to start when putting together a sales playbook which is one understandable reason.

SalesScripter provides to help sales managers identify what is a sales playbook.