
sales presentation

25 05, 2016

6 Sales Presentation Tips that Will Separate You from the Rest

By |2023-12-03T02:54:50+00:00May 25, 2016|Lead Generation, Sales Methodology, Sales Pitch, Sales Prospecting, Sales Scripts, Sales Tips|0 Comments

Here are six sales presentation tips. 1. Spend time with the prospect where you can ask questions before the presentation. The first tip on the list of sales presentation tips actually takes place before the delivery of the presentation and it is to meet with your prospect where you will have an opportunity to ask [...]

19 05, 2016

A Review of a Sales Presentation Example

By |2023-11-29T07:23:21+00:00May 19, 2016|Closing Sales, Communicating Value, Sales Methodology, Sales Pitch, Sales Script Examples, Sales Tips|0 Comments

I want to share a sales presentation example in this blog post. Although, while we talk a lot about B2B sales at SalesScripter, this example is more of a B2C example and an experience that I personally had when was at a store. Even though this example pertains to a product that is fairly low [...]

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