There are simple things that can be done to improve effectiveness and increase results when it comes to making good sales phone calls.
1. Confirm Availability
Most often, the prospects we are calling on are busy. This is usually because the decision-makers have full workloads. In addition, with common headcount reductions taking place, the prospects that we call are most likely busier today than they have been before. With that said, by making sure the prospects we reach are available for our call, we are helping our results.
If we think the prospect may be busy, we can try to validate whether they’re just busy doing their normal routine or extremely busy. If it’s just busy doing their normal routine, we can attempt to move forward with the call by asking their permission first. If it’s extremely busy, we may want to politely ask them if they prefer a callback and call them another time due to it will be difficult for us to build any interest at that point.
2. Communicate Value
By communicating the business value we have to offer early in sales calls, we will improve our results. The bulk of what a prospect wants to know from a vendor calling them is how you can help them increase revenue, reduce costs, and/or reduce risk. If you haven’t sold your prospect at the business level yet, they won’t get as happy about how fancy or advanced your products are.
We can increase the odds of the prospect taking our calls by delivering a value statement early on in good sales phone calls.
3. Disqualify the Prospect
Typically, when a prospect takes our call, they’ll have their guard up at mid-level. This is especially true when they detect that we’re a salesperson. The prospect’s level of guardedness is either increased or decreased by everything we say and do.
By disqualifying the prospect, we get them to decrease their guard. An example of this would be to question how well they may or may not fit with what you are offering. This is very powerful due to it makes the prospect think that you’re going to ensure it makes sense to move forward before trying to sell.
4. Qualify the Prospect
While making cold calls, it can be productive to attempt to qualify the prospect. An example would be asking a couple of questions that ensure it is sensible not only for them to speak with you but that it makes sense for you to spend your valuable time selling to them.
5. Uncover Pain
During sales phone calls, you will want to uncover pain. If pain isn’t present, the prospect may not be qualified due to if pain doesn’t exist, there isn’t a reason to change.
6. Build Rapport
By establishing some rapport with the prospect, you are helping to get the prospect to continue speaking with you as well as maybe setting up a first conversation with you.
Also, remember to show them respect for their time by confirming that they’re available at the beginning of the sales calls. Then, continue by explaining how you can help them by communicating value and disqualifying or qualifying them. You can make some large strides toward building rapport by doing these steps.
7. Build Interest
To create momentum in your sales phone calls, be sure to create a level of interest. This can be achieved by connecting any pain that is uncovered with the business value that you are offering.
SalesScripter provides sales coaching, helping sales pros to improve good sales phone calls.