In this video, we discuss how to use a value prop on a cold call. If you were only going to work on one thing in an attempt to improve your cold calls, figuring out how to use and incorporate a value prop would be the one thing that I would recommend that you do.


Areas to Use Your Value Prop

There are four areas that you can consider with how to use a value prop on a cold call:

  1. Introduction
  2. Objection Responses
  3. Building Interest
  4. Closing

We will provide examples for what using your value prop in each of those areas looks like.



One of the best places with how to use a value prop on a cold call is your introduction. When you are sharing the purpose call, if you honestly share why you are calling, you might say that you are calling to:

  • Introduce yourself and your company
  • Schedule an appointment or meeting
  • Learn about the prospect’s needs
  • Share details about the product that you have to offer
  • Sell your product to the prospect

You do not want to say any of those because that will trigger more guardedness and that will likely lead to objections. And while we don’t want you to be dishonest, we can try to put the best spin on why we are calling and using your value prop as the reason for calling can help you to do that.

Great. The reason for my call is that we help businesses to:

  • Get their reps generating more leads
  • Increase sales for every rep on the team
  • Decrease sales staff


Objection responses

Another way for how to use a value prop on a cold call is to use as a response for the objection of “What is this in regards to” and “Is this a sales call.” These are very common screening questions that both gatekeepers and prospect use and your value prop gives you something to say that does not confirm that you are a salesperson that is trying to sell something.

Well. The reason for my call is that we help businesses to:

  • Get their reps generating more leads
  • Increase sales for every rep on the team
  • Decrease sales staff


Building Interest

We recommend that toward the end of your cold call script, you focus on sharing product details so that you can build enough interest to close the prospect on talking more. This is also a good place for how to use your value prop on a cold call. After you share a few details about your product, you could then expand by sharing the improvements that your product can deliver.

Based on what you shared, it might make sense to talk more.

We provide The SMART Sales System:

  • Web-based sales script generator
  • Sales script library
  • Sales role-play software
  • CRM and email automation
  • Sales training program
  • Sales consulting and coaching

The SMART Sales System helps businesses to:

  • Get their reps generating more leads
  • Increase sales for every rep on the team
  • Decrease sales staff



The last place for how to use a value prop on a cold call is when closing the prospect. This is a good place to repeat or talk about the improvements that your product can deliver.

But I have called you out of the blue and I am not sure if this is the best time to discuss this.

Are you available for a brief call where we can learn more about you and share how we have helped businesses to:

  • Get their reps generating more leads
  • Increase sales for every rep on the team
  • Decrease sales staff

Are you available on Tuesday or Thursday morning? Or are you available to continue talking about this now?

We hope this gives you some new ideas for how to use your value prop on a cold call!