
28 09, 2020

How to Navigate B2B Organizations When Prospecting for Leads

By |2024-07-23T01:59:34+00:00September 28, 2020|Cold Calling, Lead Generation, Sales Methodology, Sales Prospecting, Telemarketing, Telesales|Comments Off on How to Navigate B2B Organizations When Prospecting for Leads

If you are cold calling and trying to get your foot in the door of an account and the target prospect never answers his or her phone, this will seem like a significant barrier preventing you from selling to that account. The simple workaround for this is to find other contacts at the account that [...]

15 09, 2020

Why Prospects Don’t Call You Back

By |2020-09-15T11:21:30+00:00September 15, 2020|Cold Calling, Sales Prospecting, Telemarketing, Telesales|Comments Off on Why Prospects Don’t Call You Back

Salespeople often complain about prospects not returning their calls after they leave voicemail messages, and they ponder what to say to get prospects to call back. It is not good to spend time and energy thinking about this because it is my belief that prospects do not return calls from voicemails that are left by [...]

26 04, 2020

Creating Sales Scripts, Cold Emails, Voicemail Messages, and Objection Responses

By |2024-07-01T03:27:11+00:00April 26, 2020|Cold Call Script, Inside Sales, Sales Pitch, Sales Prospecting, Sales Scripts, Sales Training, SMART Sales System Training Program, Telemarketing, Telesales, Training Videos|0 Comments

Here is a recording of week three of our 15-Week SMART Sales System Webinar Series. If you would like to purchase your copy of The SMART Sales System book, click here. Also, Read An Example of a Cold Call Example from Another Financial Advisor Listen to "SMART Sales System - Module 4: Sales Scripts" on Spreaker. [...]

9 04, 2020

Make Cold Calling Easier: Simple Steps for Success

By |2024-07-23T02:21:16+00:00April 9, 2020|Cold Calling, Inside Sales, Lead Generation, Sales Prospecting, Sales Training, SMART Sales System Training Program, Telemarketing, Telesales, Training Videos|Comments Off on Make Cold Calling Easier: Simple Steps for Success

In this video, we provide a step-by-step process for making cold calling easier. Cold calling can be one of the most difficult tasks that a salesperson has to do because: Very small window of time: You have an extremely small window of time to work with when you get connected with a prospect on a [...]

2 04, 2020

How to Best Deal With the Prospect’s Voicemail Box

By |2023-10-24T05:38:24+00:00April 2, 2020|Cold Call Script, Cold Calling, Inside Sales, Lead Generation, Sales Methodology, Sales Pitch, Sales Script Examples, Sales Scripts, Sales Tips, Sales Training, SMART Sales System Training Program, Telemarketing, Telesales, Training Videos|Comments Off on How to Best Deal With the Prospect’s Voicemail Box

In week 8 of our 16-week sales training webinar series, we discuss sales voicemail strategies.   Understand the Prospect The first thing that we discuss in this sales training video is to try to understand the prospect that you are calling in order to figure out what best to do with their voicemail box. Here [...]

20 03, 2020

How to Deal With and Get Around Sales Objections

By |2024-07-23T02:24:13+00:00March 20, 2020|Cold Call Script, Cold Calling, Inside Sales, Sales Methodology, Sales Objection Handling, Sales Pitch, SMART Sales System Training Program, Telemarketing, Telesales, Training Videos|Comments Off on How to Deal With and Get Around Sales Objections

In this sales training webinar, we not only provide tips and a methodology for how to deal with and get around sales objections. Here is a quick summary of what we discussed.   Understand the Prospect In order to improve your ability to get around sales objections, you can first start by trying to understand [...]

2 02, 2020

Cold Email Example for Internet and Connectivity Services

By |2024-07-23T02:38:57+00:00February 2, 2020|Cold Emailing, Email Marketing, Inside Sales, Lead Generation, Sales Pitch, Sales Prospecting, Telemarketing, Telesales|0 Comments

Here is a cold email example that I received from a salesperson who sells internet and connectivity services for a major telecom provider. Below is the actual cold email that he sent, and after that, there will be some analysis and another cold email example that I created based on the feedback. Subject Line: [Salesperson’ [...]

29 01, 2020

How to Cold Call LinkedIn Connections: Process and Script Guide

By |2024-07-23T02:41:25+00:00January 29, 2020|Cold Call Script, Cold Calling, Cold Calling Examples, Inside Sales, Lead Generation, Sales Pitch, Sales Prospecting, Sales Script Examples, Sales Scripts, Telemarketing, Telesales|0 Comments

While it is very easy to connect with prospects on LinkedIn, it can be very difficult to figure out how to cold call LinkedIn connections. This is because becoming connections can, in some ways, seem like a friendly gesture, and you might not want to follow that gesture up with some sort of sales pitch [...]

24 01, 2020

Cold Call Script Example for Cable and Internet Services

By |2023-10-24T06:09:19+00:00January 24, 2020|Cold Call Script, Cold Calling, Cold Calling Examples, Inside Sales, Lead Generation, Sales Methodology, Sales Pitch, Sales Prospecting, Telemarketing, Telesales, Training Videos|0 Comments

Here is a cold call script example from a salesperson who is selling cable and internet services. In this video and blog post, I will break down the call into the different steps of the SMART cold call process. At each step, I will share what she does and then share what I would do, [...]

22 01, 2020

How to Generate Leads from Events

By |2024-07-23T03:06:40+00:00January 22, 2020|Cold Call Script, Cold Calling, Cold Calling Examples, Inside Sales, Lead Generation, Sales Methodology, Sales Pitch, Sales Prospecting, Telemarketing, Telesales|0 Comments

Hosting webinars and events is a great way to generate leads for your business. Usually, after you have an event, you will have a spreadsheet of registrations or attendees. This is a great list to work on, but it can often be unclear what best to do to convert the list of attendees into leads. [...]

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