When attempting to improve selling, it can be very helpful to establish credibility. Displaying strength is one way to accomplish that. Strength means being a well-qualified and adequate salesperson, having a quality product to sell, as well as working with a company that has stability. The following are three simple, easy-to-implement ways to display this.
1. Lack of Availability
One minor tactic that can be used to attempt to display strength is displaying a lack of availability from the standpoint of either scheduling or product availability. For example, when we discuss a callback or scheduling a first conversation with a prospect and we show some difficulty finding an open time slot. This sub-communicates that we’re busy, which shows we must be successful, as well as our product, must be top-notch. This is a completely different message than what is sent when telling the prospect our calendar is wide open, and we can meet whenever they’re free.
By showing we’re busy or our product isn’t completely available, this sub-communicates that business is going well. If business is going well, we must be selling quality products that are in demand and this helps improve selling.
2. Lack of Neediness
Like the lack of availability tactic, another tactic is displaying a lack of neediness as far as needing to close the deal with your prospect. It’s no big secret that salespeople want their product to sell, but there’s a difference between a salesperson who truly has the desire to increase sales as well as do a great job and a salesperson who can’t sell their products who is struggling to keep their job and pay their bills.
It sub-communicates that you’re either a great salesperson or that you’ve got a quality product, or possibly both of those if you’re able to display yourself as not being needy. That creates positive impressions for credibility.
The way we interact with prospects when scheduling the next step and how we are able to handle following up is the most effective avenue to display the lack of neediness. If we let prospects decide which direction the call goes as well as the timing for future discussions, we’re complying by not following up with them too early or trying to push them to move quicker than they prefer. If we disregard their requests, we’ll display a lack of neediness.
We can create an image that we’re not a needy salesperson if we add in some disqualifying statements or questions when appropriate. We’re likely to see a positive impact to improve selling if we add up all of these minor sub-communications.
3. Consensus
Like the concepts previously discussed, including the lack of availability and lack of neediness, is the concept of creating an image of consensus in order to have credibility. By consensus, we mean a nice portion of a group is in agreement about something.
If we have the ability to share information with prospects regarding our current clients, orders, the lack of product availability, high demand, and a full schedule of appointments, this paints a picture of consensus because there is a large portion of a group in agreement regarding liking what we’re offering. When consensus exists, it helps to improve sales.
SalesScripter provides sales coaching, helping sales pros to improve selling.