In this video, we are going to talk about how to get customers to buy your product. While that might sound like a big subject or difficult to explain, we have broken it down into 10 tips or steps, and if you incorporate some or all of these, you will have greatly improved your competence with how to get customers to buy your product.


Don’t sound like a salesperson

The first tip is more of something to avoid doing, and that is to minimize how much you sound like a salesperson who is trying to sell something. This is important because the prospects that you talk to are getting approached and sold to by other salespeople all day, every day.

Because of this constant influx of salespeople, when you give off the impression that you are a salesperson who is trying to sell something, that will make your prospect more guarded. This will result in more objections and make it more difficult with how to get customers to buy your product.


Shift from the product to the prospect

Most salespeople spend the majority of their time talking about the product they sell. With that, if you can talk less about the product you sell, you can decrease how much you look like a salesperson who is trying to sell something.

We recommend that as you implement this and try to talk less about your product, you can shift more to talking about the prospect. This can not only help you to gather valuable information, but it can also make conversations more engaging because they are less about you and more about the other person.


Ask good questions

It might sound difficult to shift the conversation from the product to the prospect, but all you have to do is ask good questions. Not only will this help to decrease how much you look like a product-pushing salesperson, but it will help you find opportunities and reasons why the prospect needs the product that you sell.


Find the prospect’s pain

If you truly want to figure out how to get customers to buy your product, it can help to improve your ability to find the pain the prospect has. And the key here is to not just find out the general challenges they are having but to find out what pain points they currently have that relate to the product that you sell. When you can learn that your prospect is having challenges and the product that you sell can make those challenges go away, you can greatly improve your ability to get customers to buy what you sell.


Communicate the value delivered

One of the main things that customers and prospects care about is “What is in it for me?” And when salespeople talk about their product and all of the things it can do, that does not answer this question.

The way to communicate in a way where you answer this question is by talking more about the improvements that your product or service can create. This is the value that the product delivers, and focusing on this will help you to educate prospects on “What is in it for me?”


Share customer examples

One of the best and most efficient ways to make a prospect more interested in what you sell is to share examples of how other customers have benefited from using your product or service. Not only can this help you to build more interest, but it can also help the prospect to have a better understanding of what your product does and how it works.


Use the sales takeaway

One of the more counter-intuitive tactics for how to get customers to buy your product is to use the sales takeaway, which is to actually takeaway the product you are trying to sell. It might sound crazy, but sometimes expressing doubt as to whether your product is the right fit can decrease the prospect’s guard and create more curiosity.


Build rapport

There is a very common saying that people buy from people they like. And with that, if you can build more rapport with prospects, it will be more clear how to get customers to buy your product.


Identify the impact of doing nothing

The most common competitor that stands in your way with how to get customers to buy your product is the status quo and the option for the prospect to not purchase anything. With that, it can help to figure out what that path looks like from a cost and impact standpoint. Try to figure out what the cost to the customer is if they do not purchase your product or service.


Find a compelling event

In a lot of situations, you have an interested prospect but they are hesitant to take the next step forward and buy your product. One thing that can help with this is to find a compelling event that is related to the purchase. For example, if there is a new site opening up on a particular date, or current system being discontinued, or a contact expiring, these are compelling events, and you can use those dates and events as a reason to get the prospect to take that next step forward with how to get customers to buy your product.