b2b sales pitch

4 06, 2017

An Example of Why You Need a Good Sales Pitch

By |2023-12-02T02:26:25+00:00June 4, 2017|Cold Call Script, Cold Calling, Inside Sales, Sales Pitch, Sales Prospecting, Sales Scripts, Sales Tips|0 Comments

I had a conversation with a family member recently, and I thought it was a good example of why you need a good sales pitch. Or an example of me not using a great sales pitch.   Background The background is that I recently bought a set of ceramic knives, and I have been pretty [...]

14 05, 2016

Writing a Sales Pitch: Step-by-Step Guide for Success

By |2024-07-29T01:08:17+00:00May 14, 2016|Sales Methodology, Sales Pitch, Sales Prospecting, Sales Questions, Sales Scripts, Sales Tips|0 Comments

Here are some straightforward steps to take when writing a sales pitch. Step 1 - Think about the product that you want to sell. When you begin writing a sales pitch, stop to think about the product you are trying to drive demand for. This may be a very quick step to take, as you [...]

8 04, 2016

How to Create a Product Pitch that Builds Interest

By |2024-07-30T00:10:59+00:00April 8, 2016|Cold Call Script, Cold Calling, Communicating Value, How to Build Interest When Selling, Inside Sales, Sales Methodology, Sales Pitch, Sales Prospecting, Sales Scripts, Sales Tips|0 Comments

It can be common for salespeople to use the same approach when building their product pitch, focusing primarily on the product, what it does, and how it works. While those are all important details, we believe there are some more powerful things to focus on and we outline those in this sales training video.   High-Level [...]

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