In this video, we discuss how to apply the conversation-based selling approach to networking. Networking is one of the best ways to generate leads if you are a business owner or salesperson who sells in the geographic area they live or work in. Networking can either involve going to formal networking events, or it can happen informally by meeting and interacting with people socially in a someone’s day to day life.


Look for Networking Partners

The networking portion of the conversation-based selling approach is a little different because when we are cold calling and cold emailing, we are primarily looking for prospects and only driving prospects to conversations where there may potentially be a fit. However, when we are networking, we can be open to having conversations with prospects where there is not a fit, and that is where we meet someone who could fit as a networking partner. A networking partner is someone who is not likely to purchase from you but could fit in terms of sharing value in the form of information, tips, and referrals.

We recommend using an approach when networking that focuses primarily on finding networking partners. Not only will this help you make a better impression on the people you meet, but it is actually more advantageous to find networking partners than potential prospects.

We will outline very clear and practical changes you can make to get more of the people you meet when networking to agree to move forward to the conversation step of the sales process.


Minimize Talking About the Product

When product selling salespeople are networking, they are looking for prospects and will try to talk about their product as much as they can. Since we are not trying to sell the product and are not looking for prospects, we can decrease how much we talk about the product we sell.


Decrease Looking Like a Salesperson

By talking less about our product, we will decrease how much we look like a salesperson who is trying to sell something. This small change will greatly improve the impression we make when networking and position us to be able to build more rapport with the people we meet.


Make it More About the Other Person

Humans are all a little self-absorbed. And with that, we usually like talking about stuff we are interested in. And one thing you can be sure that someone you are talking to is interested in is themself. With that, you can create a more interesting and engaging conversation by making it all about the other person.


Ask Good Questions

If you agree with the above philosophy and tactic, all you have to do to implement it is to ask good questions. The more questions you ask, the more you will get the prospect talking and the more you will make the topic being discussed about them and what they care about.


Find a Reason to Talk More

Regardless of whether we are talking to potential networking partners or potential prospects, our goal is to get them to progress to the next step of the sales process, which is having a longer conversation on another day. And the previous tip of asking good questions should help you with that by learning more about what is going on with the other person. This will improve your ability to find a reason to talk more, and when you do that, close the other person on talking more on another day and move forward to the conversation step of your sales process.