In the previous video in our video series on how to implement a conversation-based selling approach, we talked about the first step of the sales process being the initial contact. And one of the main forms the initial contact can take is picking up the phone and cold calling a prospect or a business. In this video, we will explain how you can modify your cold calls so that you focus more on selling the conversation than the product. The concepts we discuss will not only make your cold calling efforts more successful, but they will also make cold calling much easier and less stressful.


Product Selling Cold Calls

Before we discuss how to make cold calls using a conversation-based selling approach, let’s first look at what most salespeople do, which is selling the product when cold calling.

To demonstrate what that looks like, I will use a product selling approach trying to sell my product of Sales Scripter over a cold call.

This is Michael Halper. I am calling from Sales Scripter.

How are you doing today?

We provide sales training software that is completely different from anything else on the market.

Do you need sales training software?

What are your needs in the area of sales training software?

Are you available for a call next week to discuss how our sales training software can help you?

One of the main problems with this approach is that I am trying to sell sales training software, and there is a very low probability that the prospects I call are actively looking for sales training software. This instantly creates a mismatch between what I am calling to talk about and where the prospect is mentally at. This means there is an extremely high probability that I will be received with some objections, rejection, and resistance. This will not only greatly decrease your odds of success, but it will also make cold calling feel incredibly stressful and difficult.


Selling the Conversation on Cold Calls

We can completely transform all of those dynamics by simply shifting from trying to sell the product and moving more toward selling the conversation. Not only do we reduce the odds of triggering objections, rejection, and resistance, but it is easier to sell a conversation than it is to sell a product.

And I want to be clear that I am not saying that it is easy to sell the conversation, but if your goal is to get the prospect to talk more, one very clear thing you can try to do is improve your ability to find a reason for the prospect to talk more. And the best way to get good at finding a reason to talk more is to simply ask good questions.


Ask Questions to Sell the Conversation

We recommend that you create two lists of questions to help with this. First, create a list of pain questions that probe to see if the prospect has challenges or concerns in the areas where your product or service helps. A second list to create is current state questions, which help to learn what the prospect is doing in the area where your product or service fits.


Open with Your Value Proposition

Your questions can be the centerpiece of your cold call and your cold call script. But you will need to find a way to open the cold call and create the opportunity to ask your questions. To help with this, I recommend you open with your value proposition by saying something like:

The reason for the call is that we help businesses get the most out of their sales reps.

After that, you can transition to asking your questions by saying something like:

But I am not sure if you are a good fit with what we do. And that is why I was calling with a question or two, if I could ask you real quick.


Closing for the Conversation

If you ask a question that uncovers an area for improvement for the prospect, you can use that for justification for closing the prospect on talking more. But before you try to close the prospect, share a few details on your product or company by saying something like:

Based on what you have shared, it might make sense to talk more. We provide a sales training software platform that makes it easy to get your reps to say the right things and generate more leads.

After that, try to close by saying something like:

But I am not sure if this is the best time to discuss this. Are you available for a brief call to learn more about you and possibly some examples of how we have helped other businesses get the most out of their sales teams?

there is one very clear thing you can do to improve your ability to close the prospect on talking more and that is to find a reason to talk more.

We hope this gives you more clarity on how to focus more on selling the conversation when cold calling!