If you really want effective sales messaging, you might want to start thinking about your buyer persona. If you don’t take this step or put thought into this area, you can fall into the trap of using the same talk tracks for all the prospects you interact with.

Why this is Important
This is important because you will interact with many different types of buyers when you are prospecting. The buyers’ environments, businesses, or specific jobs will change what they care about.

What the buyer cares about in terms of interests and pain points will be key details that contribute to their buyer persona. If you are aware that the prospects you interact with have different buyer personas, you can begin to take better steps toward asking and saying the right things when prospecting.

The Different Categories of Buyers
You can get extremely granular when thinking about buyer personas and create all of the different types of people that you will interact with. But at a minimum or at least when you get started, just create a few different categories.

Here are some different categories that you can consider when evaluating the different buyers you sell to.

You might be able to sell your products or services across multiple industries. When you do this, it might help to remember that prospects in those different industries have different buyer personas.

This is because they will each have unique challenges and interests specific to the industry in which they operate. Even though your product does the same thing regardless of who uses it, the world that they live in can be completely different, and you should factor this into your sales messaging.

Company Size
Your sales messaging should likely change when you sell to different sizes of companies. Again, even though your product will operate in the same way regardless of company size, a small organization will have different interests and pain points than a large one.

If you are selling B2B, you can likely sell into different functional departments of a company. For example, your primary buyer might be in the Information Technology department, but your product may also impact the Finance department, and this can make Finance a good secondary department to pursue.

As you can imagine, someone working in IT will have very different pain points than someone in Finance and this creates a different buyer persona.

Organizational Level
You can actually break your buyer personas down to another level by factoring in the level of the organization or role/title the person has. For example, is the prospect a manager, director, VP, or C-Level?

Each of those different levels of the organization could be a different buyer persona as they will care about and will be impacted by different things.