In this video, we break down and analyze a cold call example for a marketing agency. After the call recording, our analysis will be conducted, and we will focus on three areas that can be looked at and learned from.


1. Product Selling

This cold call example for a marketing agency is a salesperson using a more product selling approach. Product selling is what most salespeople use, and that is where salespeople primarily talk about what they sell and the company they work for. And if you look at this salesperson’s cold call opener, that is exactly what he does:

Please allow me to introduce [Company Name]. So what we do or who we are is we united a team of nine elite marketing companies to create a true partner network. And to create an integrated omnichannel approach for growth. We have been partnering with businesses like yours, and over the past year, we helped them to generate over $500,000,000 in revenue.

And while that might sound like a logical approach, it will make cold calling more difficult for these reasons:

  • This is more of an all about me
  • You will sound like a salesperson who is trying to sell something
  • The prospect is likely not in buying mode at the time of the call
  • This creates a mismatch between what both parties want to talk about
  • All of that will increase the objections you have to face

To decrease sounding like a product selling salesperson, you can use a value proposition cold call opener, which could look like this:

Reason for the call is we help businesses to enhance brand visibility and attract a wider customer base.


2. The Close

On this cold call example for a marketing agency, the salesperson used more of a quick close by going for the close right away and at the beginning of the cold call by saying this:

Would you be open for a quick discovery call so he can show you those strategies and tools, which will help your business reach its next level?

The good thing about this close is that it focuses on the next step of the sales process, which is talking more and having a meeting. This is different from what a lot of product selling salespeople do, in that they ask if the prospect needs or is interested in the product they are trying to sell.


3. Objection Response

The main objection on this cold call example for a marketing agency was that the prospect saying:

We are not making any changes right now.

The salesperson responded really well to this by deflecting back to the sales process and saying that the next step is to talk more and not to purchase the product by saying this:

We are not expecting you to change, just want to introduce, maybe you can put us in your file. And if something comes up, you’ll have us.

Would you consider a 30-minute chat with us, just to introduce our company.

But another option the salesperson in this cold call example for a marketing agency is that he could have responded by deflecting to either his pain or current state questions. This could have helped to keep the conversation going and might have enabled the salesperson to uncover a need or reason to talk more and use that as a reason to close the prospect again on moving to the next step in the sales process.