It can often be the difference between success and failure when choosing whether or not to have a sales script for sales. The following are steps you can take to assist you with how to build your sales script:


1. Identify the Goal

You should have a clear awareness of what you’re hoping to get out of the call with every sales call that you make. Are you trying to schedule an appointment, sell your product, and/or gather information?

It is important to have clarity around what your primary goal is for the call before you commence writing your sales script. Also, it can be prudent to go one step further to identify your secondary goal in the event you’re not successful in accomplishing what you identified as your primary goal.


2. Identify the Target

The next step to take prior to writing a sales script for sales is clearly identifying who you’re calling as well as your ideal prospect. It’s important because it affects the wording and questions that are used. Also, building out the ideal prospect profile helps you maximize your time when making calls.


3. Identify Your Value

Quite often, salespeople fall into a rut of only talking about their products and the company they work for when talking with prospects. It is important information, but it doesn’t emphasize the benefits offered and delivered.

Primarily, the prospect is concerned about “What is in it for me?” The optimal way to answer that question for the prospect is by communicating the value you have to offer them. Pinpoint this and put it in the beginning of your sales script.


4. Build Your Qualifying Questions

Include questions to qualify the prospect while writing a sales script for sales. It’s important because it can help to differentiate if it makes sense for both parties to keep conversing. In addition, it helps make the interaction with the prospect more conversational.


5. Gather Some Common Pain Points

It helps to uncover the pain that the prospect may be experiencing. Sharing common pain points that other prospects are experiencing and reconciling that with the prospect to see if they can relate is a great sales tactic to use.


6. Develop Points to Trigger Interest

Building some level of interest on the prospect’s side is important as it improves your ability to achieve your primary goal. Adding some points in your sales script for sales that will trigger some interest is helpful in this area.

Even if you’re not able to build enough interest to close the deal or sell to the prospect, you can create some powerful points to build enough curiosity and interest for the prospect to agree to keep speaking and move forward to the next step in your sales process.

SalesScripter provides a sales script tool that helps sales pros with writing a sales script for sales.