In this video, we outline some assumptions that you may want to take into consideration if you are building an insurance sales pitch.

Prospects don’t enjoy being sold to.
We operate with the assumption that prospects don’t completely enjoy being sold to. The thought here is that we don’t mind buying and making purchases. It can actually be fun buying something.

But when someone tries to sell to you and tries to persuade you to buy something, this is not really fun and can sometimes feel uncomfortable, even if you need what the salesperson is selling.

The reason this is important is that, if you agree with this assumption, it can impact an insurance sales pitch as we could try to structure the pitch in a way where we sound less like a salesperson and more like a business person.

Prospects aren’t in buying mode.
When you are building your insurance sales pitch, always keep in mind that your prospects are not likely to be in buying mode in terms of actively looking to purchase what you are selling. This is a safe assumption for any product, but it is even more of a case with insurance as these products are often is a product that your prospects either don’t know that they need or something that they have put off.

Prospects often already have insurance.
Another thing to keep in mind with an insurance sales pitch is that for many insurance products, it is very safe to assume that the prospect has already purchased what you are looking to sell. This can impact how you approach the prospect and what you say.

Prospects don’t think they need insurance.
Something that insurance sales professionals have to experience to a greater degree than other salespeople is that prospects can often think that they do not need what you are selling. For some insurance products, the prospect has to option to move forward without and it is more of a factor of how much risk they chose to live with.

If you agree with that assumption, what you can do is design your insurance sales pitch so that you communicate why the prospect should consider your options for helping them to decrease their level of risk.

Prospects get sold to a lot.
This last assumption applies whether you sell insurance or any other product and that is to assume that the prospect gets sold to a lot. This impacts how the prospect will receive you because it can make them more guarded.

They get approached a lot so when you approach them or try to sell to them, they will have less patience or be less open to hearing what you have to say. This does not mean that you should not try to sell to someone, but it could impact how you design your insurance sales pitch.